Friday, July 20, 2012


That title? Oh yeah, well I suck at being a girl, I mean as far as knowing how to do things like hair or what is currently in style or what shoes go with what. Yeah, I am not the person you would come to with these questions...

In fact, I would be the person that should be your "don't do it this way" example.

But truly this blog isn't about that at all.

I used to journal all the time, I even used to have a account back in the 90s, when the internet first started working it's way into homes on a larger scale. When the phone ringing would kick me offline and I would lose hours of code....anyhow the day that site went offline forever was traumatic, having lost almost a year of entries. So, I never felt the need to do that again or trust some online site with my precious trivial thoughts! How dare they!

But what the hell... let's see how this goes.

Photo: Surreal Sister 2012

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