Monday, August 12, 2013

CocoNUT Oil

I intend to see about this coconut oil everyone is going "nuts" over... for lack of a better pun. I've read tons of great things about it, but I'm not sure if it's something that has just popped up as a trend because there is now an excess of coconuts or because it does actually do all the magical things everyone claims.

Some of these claims and uses include a thing called "Oil Pulling" where you swish it around in your mouth before brushing your teeth to kill bacteria or rather I guess "pull" it away from your teeth and you spit it out.

You can cook with it, use it as sun tanning oil, glop it all over your hair, use it as a moisturizer, even a deodorant! You can even slather it on a broken bone for quick healing!.... Well maybe not that part, but yeah. I often check out natural boards and pages where people have discussions of such things, and there's always someone saying, put coconut oil on it!

I will have to get back to you on this experiment once purchased. Please feel free to leave your experiences with coconut oil to give me any other ideas of what this fascinating substance can do. :)

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